Coca-Cola is Taking Perth’s Groundwater Unmonitored for Free

Hon SOPHIA MOERMOND to the parliamentary secretary representing the Minister for Water:

I refer to an article published by the ABC regarding concerns around Coca-Cola’s use of groundwater, particularly amid record low rainfall in Western Australia.

(1) Is the minister aware of residents’ concerns around Coca-Cola’s use of groundwater?

(2) What is the maximum amount of water that the company is legally allowed to extract annually?

(3) Is the water extraction monitored by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation; and, if not, why not?

Hon MATTHEW SWINBOURN replied: I thank the member for some notice of the question. The following answer has been provided to me by the Minister for Water.

(1) Yes.

(2)–(3) The location of this activity in the Perth hills is in an area that is not proclaimed under the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914. As such, the take of water in this location for this activity is not regulated by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation under legislative requirements and it is therefore not monitored. In these cases, the take of water and the management of that take can be monitored under development planning conditions imposed by the relevant local government authority.


Coca Cola and Corporate Water Extraction and Abstraction Issues in Western Australia


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